
You can reach Adelaide Personal Trainers by using any of the following options below. As soon as we receive your call, email or tweet, we will have one of our trainers get back to you as quickly as possible. Any request for contact will be responded to within a maximum of 24 hours.

Phone | 08 8378 1379

Your call will be answered any time of the day 7 days a week.


You can also send an email to, or if you would prefer us to call you, just include the best contact number and time to reach you.


Or, if you like to Tweet, send a direct message to @adelaidept.

Contact & Feedback Form

If you have used one of our trainers, or any of the services found on our personal training website and would like to send some feedback, or perhaps make a suggestion in relation to something you think we could do a little better, we would love to hear from you.

4 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Hi am 82. I have been advised t get a personal trainer.
    Can you help me please ?


  2. Hi
    My son is 16 and has high functioning autism and OCD/Anxiety Disorder.
    He has gotten into weight training and has lost a great deal of weight through diet change over the last year.
    he is getting frustrated as he is not happy with results and wants someone to look at his exercise plan & nutrition.
    Can you help?

  3. Hi Dianne, will email details to you asap, look forward to speaking to you soon!

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