How To Get Started With A Personal Trainer

Getting started with a personal trainer for the first time can be quite daunting if you aren’t sure where to begin and don’t know what to look out for, as there are definitely some very important questions you should ask prior to arranging your first meeting.

We have put together some information to help you find the right personal trainer based on many years of experience and understanding what our clients are looking for.

If you are in Adelaide and need a personal trainer who can walk you through all of these steps and provide a complete fitness solution call 08 8378 1379.

Here are some very simple steps to follow to ensure your personal training gets off to the best start possible:

1. How to find a personal trainer

The best way is to ask a friend or family for a recommendation, as they may have one themselves or know of a really good trainer you can call.

If this is not possible, use Google and search for “personal trainer” and the suburb or your area. An example would be something like personal trainer adelaide.

2. Use a checklist

Follow a checklist for finding the right personal trainer so you know what to ask before you meet and at your first consultation or trial session. Some good questions to ask would be:

  • How long have they been personal training or in the fitness industry?
  • What are their qualifications?
  • What knowledge do they have on nutrition?
  • Do they provide a complete nutritional package as part of your personal training?
  • What professional organisations are they accredited with?

For more information, view our checklist for finding personal trainers.

3. Arrange your first consultation

Once you are satisfied you have found the right personal trainer, arrange a time to meet that is convenient for you and suits your schedule. You may need to be a little flexible here depending on how busy they are and what sort of hours they work.

There may be a cost involved for the first session which will vary from trainer to trainer, and depend largely on the duration and depth of information they provide.

4. Sign up for some sessions and get started

Most trainers will offer a variety of training durations and the ability of pay in blocks of sessions, 5, 10, 15 or more. Generally, the more sessions the more cost effective.

5. Follow a nutrition plan

Good trainers will provide and have access to a nutrition plan that will play a major role in supporting your personal training and give you the best chance of reaching your goals.

It may be a warning sign of an inexperienced trainer if they can’t, or if they offer nutrition advice at reasonable expense to you, then it’s probably better to seek the service of a qualified dietitian.

For a complete nutritional package based on nutrient rich food available from your local markets, see our page on Metabolic Jumpstart, a fully customised eating plan from one of Australia’s leading dietitians and only $79.95.

6. Do extra workouts at home, the gym or outdoors

For most people that do 1-3 sessions per week, personal training on it’s own may not be sufficient to burn enough of the energy that is consumed through food and drinks. Adding extra sessions at your gym, going for a walk, ride or run, or just moving more in general will help you reach your goals much faster.

7. Stick to your plan

Whatever routine you choose to follow, you must stick to it for long enough to see the benefits and make any changes along the way where appropriate.

For example, if your body shape is changing but you are not losing weight (if that is your goal), you may need to cut back your calorie intake slightly or increase your output through more exercise and movement in general or both.


By following these steps you will have taken some very big steps toward whatever health, fitness and lifestyle goals you may have.

If you have any questions or need any more information on how to get started with a personal trainer we would love to hear your comments.

1 thought on “How To Get Started With A Personal Trainer”

  1. I think one important step not on here is to make sure you make realistic goals that you can obtain with a personal trainer. I have been a personal trainer for over 10 years and one of the biggest issues I have is them coming to the gym with unrealistic expectations of what they can achieve in a short amount of time Remember that fitness and health is a marathon and not a sprint. I also think that 'adding workouts at home' is extremely important as every person should be active for at least 20 minutes of every single day on top of their personal taining regimen. Great blog!

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